Knowing whether or not you are saving enough is a constant concern. The uncertainties of life consisting of its twists and turns can create even more room for question. Financially speaking, the best way to protect yourself from these unforeseen events and to minimize your worry is to have adequate savings. However, before answering how much you should save, we need to look at how much you can possibly save. In other words, you need to begin documenting your monthly income and expenses. Start by using a simple budgeting worksheet . Fill in your income and subtract expenses to get a quick estimate on whether or not you have any money left over each month based on your current spending habits. If there is no money left, you need to find ways to immediately cut extra expenses, find discounts, and minimize costs to create money that can be used for savings. Once you do have some positive net income there are several options. First, a portion of it should be put into c...
Providing Education to Empower Individuals to Reach Financial Freedom