Every day we face a barrage of stimuli from the world around us. If we are not careful, these distractions can keep us from reaching our goals. When you focus equally on essential as well as non-essential tasks, nothing gets done. Think of it like a race car team preparing a car before an important race. There are countless tasks that could be done in the limited hours beforehand but ultimately the o nly thing that matters is doing the tasks necessary to get the car across the finish line. When it comes to steering your money and finances in the right direction, make time to decide which vital functions you must address right now to make improvements this year. These vital factors are your most obvious or urgent needs. For example, paying down credit card debt, student loans, car loan, creating a budget , building a savings account , or starting investing could be one of your top three financial priorities. Begin to focus all your effort on improving these t...
Providing Education to Empower Individuals to Reach Financial Freedom